
The information provided on our website is for informational purposes and subject to change without notice. Any investment program may be volatile and can involve the loss of principal.  Investing in global investment strategies can involve additional risks, such as the risk of currency fluctuations. No assurances can be made regarding the accuracy of any future prediction. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. Not all past predictions were as accurate as those represented in the content of this website. Advisory services provided through Aveo Capital Partners, LLC. Recommendations made during the financial planning process are guidelines and do not guarantee success of any financial plan or process. We urge all clients and prospects to review our Brochure which can be found at:


Blog posts and articles reflect the personal opinions and viewpoints of the authors and should not be regarded as a description of the advisory services provided by Legacy Wealth Partners, LLC (“LWP”). The information is impersonal and not tailored to the circumstances or investment needs of any specific person. LWP manages its clients’ accounts using a variety of techniques not necessarily discussed in these books or articles. Nothing in these posts or articles constitutes investment advice or any recommendation with respect to a particular country, sector, industry, security or portfolio of securities. No assurance can be made regarding the profitability of any security mentioned or regarding the accuracy of any forecast made. Not all past forecasts were, nor future forecasts may be, as accurate as those presented. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns.


Pursuant to Regulation S-P adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission it is the policy of Legacy Wealth Partners, LLC  and Aveo Capital Partners, LLC (the “Company”) to keep confidential, nonpublic personal information collected by the Company (“information”) pertaining to each current and former client (i.e., information and records pertaining to personal background, investment objectives, financial situation, investment holdings, account numbers, account balances, etc.) unless the Company is: (1) previously authorized by the client or investor (and/or 17 C.F.R §§160.14, 160.15) to disclose information to individuals and/or entities affiliated and not affiliated with the Company, including, but not limited to the client’s other professional advisors and/or service providers (i.e., attorneys, accountant, insurance agent, broker-dealer, investment adviser, account custodian, etc.); (2) required to do so by judicial or regulatory process; or (3) otherwise permitted to do so in accordance with the parameters of Regulation S-P. The disclosure of information contained in any document completed by the client for processing and/or transmittal by the Company in order to facilitate the commencement/continuation/termination of a business relationship between the client and a nonaffiliated third party service provider (i.e., broker-dealer, investment adviser, account custodian, insurance company, etc.), including information contained in any document completed and/or executed by the client for the Company (i.e., advisory agreement, client information form, etc.), shall be deemed as having been automatically authorized by the client with respect to the corresponding nonaffiliated third-party service provider. Each individual and/or entity affiliated with the Company is aware of the Company’s Privacy Policy, and has acknowledged his/her/its requirement to comply with the same. In accordance with the Company’s Privacy Policy, each such affiliated individual and/or entity shall have access to information to the extent reasonably necessary for the Company to perform its services for the client, and to comply with applicable regulatory procedures and requirements. The Company will keep confidential information of clients in a secure and locked room or outside storage facility and all electronic files will be stored on a password protected computer system with passwords being periodically changed.

In the event your advisor at the Company leaves and joins another investment advisory firm, you hereby authorize the Company and your advisor to disclose your personal confidential information to such unaffiliated investment advisory firm for the purpose of transitioning your accounts if you choose. This notice shall serve as an amendment to paragraph 12 your investment advisory agreement with the Company and authorize the above disclosure. You have the right to opt-out of this provision by calling 303.552.0945 or emailing compliance@aveocapital.com.